istorage 128GB diskGenie 256-bit SSD USB 2.0 Encrypted HDD

istorage 128GB diskGenie 256-bit SSD USB 2.0 Encrypted HDD

The diskGenie SSD is the world's most secure, compact and affordable USB2 portable hard drive, employing PIN code access with Military Grade 128-bit or 256-bit AES Hardware Encryption. The diskGenie can only be accessed using a personalised 6-16 digit PIN code similar to using an ATM. ALL data stored on the drive is encrypted in Real-Time, making it as fast and in many cases faster than any non-encrypted USB2 hard drive. Should the diskGenie be lost or stolen, the user can rest assured that the data stored on the drive is safe and cannot be accessed by any unauthorised third party, even if the hard drive is removed from its enclosure.
