Nintendo 2DS Console and New Super Mario Bros 2 - Black/Blue Pack

Nintendo 2DS Console and New Super Mario Bros 2 - Black/Blue Pack

This great pack features the Nintendo 2DS Console in Black/Blue plus Nintendo 3DS New Super Mario Bros 2 game! Nintendo 2DS: Offering you additional variety and value in your handheld gaming options, the Nintendo 2DS is a streamlined version of the Nintendo 3DS that will play games available for Nintendo 3DS, as well as Nintendo DS in 2D. The Nintendo 2DS retains many of the same hardware features as the Nintendo 3DS including the same Nintendo 3DS gameplay controls, backwards compatibility with the vast existing library of Nintendo DS games, as well as wireless connectivity features such as access to Nintendo eShop, plus StreetPass and SpotPass functionality. However the console takes on a new distinctive fixed, slate form design, and will play all packaged and download Nintendo 3DS games in 2D. The new console is a great introduction for those unfamiliar with Nintendo, and it is also a fantastic new way to enjoy the handheld experience for those already a part of the DS family. Nintendo 3DS New Super Mario Bros 2: Our favourite plumbers bounce back into action in New Super Mario Bros 2 for Nintendo 3DS. Princess Peach has been kidnapped once more by Bowser, but this time Mario has another objective as the Mushroom Kingdom is practically bursting with more gold coins than ever. Each level is dotted with gold as coins rain down from overhead pipes, trails of coins are left behind special gold enemies and gold pipes transport Mario into coin-filled caverns. It's up to you to collect as many coins as possible throughout your adventure.