ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny PS4 Game.

ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny PS4 Game.

Learn and evolve the abilities of electrifying creatures and magical spells, forming powerful decks to unleash upon your enemies. You devise your desired game plan. Will you strategically position your army around the map, go out like a spellcasting maniac, or utilise your environment to gain a tactical advantage; You decide. Release date: 7 April 2017. This item is FREE delivery. Suitable for the PS4. Build powerful decks made up of five elements ; light, dark, water, fire, and earth ; to execute a focused game plan, creating unique and powerful combos. Control armies of beautifully illustrated fantasy creatures, utilising their strengths along with magical spells to take down your opponents. Use your core battle deck in solo matchups or 2x2 multiplayer team battles. Practice against ai to hone your skills. For ages 12 years and over.