Space Saving Potting Bench With Storage weathered finish

Space Saving Potting Bench With Storage weathered finish

With a winning combination of style and function, this compact potting bench is particularly useful where space is at a premium. It has a good-sized working area, with three shelves (two upper and one lower) that can be used to keep your pots, plants or compost. All those smaller, fiddly bits and pieces can be kept in the storage area beneath the work surface, while the wooden pegs on one side and rail on the other, can be used to hang things like hand tools and towels. It is made from a hardwood FSC Acacia so is robust enough to cope with being knocked about a bit, and in our opinion will only look better with age as the paint becomes distressed. This item is supplied partly assembled, It is relatively easy to build with bolts and all the tools you need to put it together. Measurements: Distance from floor to draw: 90cm; Width: 65cm; Distance from draw to to 1st shelf: 30 cm; Distance from middle shelf to top shelf: 35cm; Total Height: 160cm; Depth: 52cm. With ALL outdoor furniture the ideal scenario is to cover the items up with a water proof cover or sheet if you are going to leave it outdoors over the winter months.

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