Wpro MWC013 H2Pro Magnetic Water Conditioner

Wpro MWC013 H2Pro Magnetic Water Conditioner

Stop limescale and extend appliance lifespan with the Wpro MWC013 H2Pro Magnetic Water Conditioner . Powerful action This fantastic Magnetic Water Conditioner works to effectively prevent the buildup of limescale on your washing machine, washer dryer or dishwasher. As well as getting rid of unsightly scale deposits, it will help to prolong the life of your appliances by eradicating the harmful, impeding effects of limescale. Simple and environmentally friendly The Wpro H2Pro Magnetic Water Conditioner couldn't be easier to install, and since it uses low quantities of energy, it's exceptionally eco-friendly. You'll be doing your energy bills a favour as well as the inside of your appliances! Use the Wpro MWC013 H2Pro Magnetic Water Conditioner for highly effective scale prevention and washing appliance maintenance.

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