KENWOOD KSBSDX15 American-Style Fridge Freezer - Stainless Steel

KENWOOD  KSBSDX15 American-Style Fridge Freezer - Stainless Steel

The attractive side-by-side Kenwood KSBSDX15 American-Style Fridge Freezer is a great option for families that need a lot of food storage space. It features a cool water dispenser for a chilled drink whenever you like. Large capacityWith a maximum capacity of 615 litres, three salad crispers and plenty of nifty compartments, you'll be able to find a spot for all of your favourite treats and refreshments.Another great feature is its flexi-fresh box, which allows you to separate your groceries and keep them fresh and protected.FeaturesThe Kenwood KSBSDX15 has a holiday mode which means you can conserve energy when you're not using the appliance. It also features both fast freeze and frost free functions so you can keep your food in great condition.Its adjustable and spill-proof shelves make moving produce around a breeze and cleaning easy if you happen to have any spillages.SafetyThe child lock function in the Kenwood KSBSDX15 will help to keep out any small hands, and the shelves are made out of safety glass, so you won't have to worry when the kids are around.Enjoy a fantastic cooling performance and striking good looks with the delightfully quiet Kenwood KSBSDX15 American-Style Fridge Freezer.

Kenwood   KSBSDX15