GRUNDIG GWN48430C Washing Machine - Stainless Steel

GRUNDIG  GWN48430C Washing Machine - Stainless Steel

Get clothes clean quickly and efficiently by taking advantage of the host of features packed into the stainless steel Grundig GWN48430C Washing Machine. Effective cleaning Offering great flexibility and capable of handling loads of up to 8 kg at a time, the GWN48430C provides a convenient and user-friendly way to deal with the laundry requirements of a family household. Pre-programmed with 16 cycles that help to ensure that you'll have an option to deal with everything laundry day throws at you, you'll be able to clean everything from synthetics to delicates and enjoy cleaner clothes quicker. This machine lets you get a full 8 kg of clothing clean in only 45 minutes with the quick wash feature. You can also employ the multi-sense programme, which will automatically choose the best washing parameters for your load - helping to save you both time and energy. If you have a lot of woollen garments you need to keep clean, a wool protect programme has been specially designed to keep them safe and protected during a clean. Utilising a slow spin speed and clever washing algorithms, you can work with your machine washable woollens without worry. Saving money Hugely energy efficient, the GWN48430C boasts a top end A+++ rating and comes with a 5-year guarantee, so you can rest easy knowing that this washing machine won't have you worrying about maintenance or utility bills. Offering clever cleaning that will leave your family's laundry looking spotless after every cycle, the stainless steel Grundig GWN48430C Washing Machine makes a great addition to any household.

Grundig   GWN48430C