Harringtons Salmon & Potato Wet Dog Food

Harringtons Salmon & Potato Wet Dog Food

Harringtons Wet Salmon & Potato with Vegetables is a delicious complete dog food that provides a balanced nutrition. This meal is made with100% natural and healthy ingredients with added vitamins and minerals. It’s been specially formulated to offer wholesome grain free nutrition and contains no artificial colours or flavours, no dairy, no soya and no added wheat. • Good for dogs with sensitive digestive systems as it’s grain free, and also contains Chicory Extract a pre-biotic that supports digestive health. • Contains Green lipped mussel, a great source of omega fats, glucosamine and chondroitin. • Contains Green Tea that promotes natural anti-oxidants in the body. • Contains Rosehips, a great source of vitamin C that is known to support a healthy immune system. Ingredients: Salmon (60%), Potato (26% from dried potato), Carrots (5% from dried carrots), Peas (5% from dried peas), Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Dried Tomato (0.15%), Dried Kelp (0.08%), Green Lipped Mussel (0.05%), Chicory (0.05%), Parsley (0.05%), Basil (0.05%), Rosemary (0.01%), Green Tea (0.01%), Rosehip (0.01%). Analytical Constituents: Protein 10.0%, Fat Content 7.0%, Inorganic Matter 3.8%, Crude Fibre 1.0%, Moisture 75%.