Royal Canin Vcn Pediatric Starter Large Dog Food

Royal Canin Vcn Pediatric Starter Large Dog Food

Royal Canin Pediatric Starter Large is a nutrient rich dog food for bitches during pregnancy & lactation, & weaning puppies up to 2 months of age. An expertly designed formula with compounds found in mother’s milk and fortified with vitamins & minerals, Pediatric Starter Large is the ideal way to cater for pregnant & lactating mums’ higher energy requirements, and to fortify her new puppies’ immune systems giving them the best possible start in life. An excellent way to help your puppies progress from milk to solid food and formulated with specially selected proteins to minimise irritation, this wet food is especially easy for tiny mouths to tackle. Pediatric Starter Large’s carefully tailored recipe also helps promote a healthy digestive system, keeping typical puppy tummy upsets at bay. Suitable for bitches weighing over 25kg and her puppies; bitch at the end of gestation and during lactation, weaning puppies up to 2 months old Ingredients: Rice, dehydrated poultry meat, animal fats, wheat gluten*, hydrolysed animal proteins, maize, beet pulp, minerals, soya oil, vegetable fibres, fish oil, fatty acid salt, fructo-oligo-saccharides, psyllium husks and seeds, hydrolysed yeast (source of manno-oligo-saccharides and beta-glucans), egg powder, marigold extract (source of lutein). *L.I.P. protein selected for its very high assimilation.

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